Sunday, June 2, 2019

2019 France Trip Day 4- Provence, Nimes, and Pont du Gard

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Sunday started at the same time. We were eating at 7:30 am and out the door packed up to get on the bus at 8:30 am. The pictures below are included out of order because that's the quickest way to upload them today. :)

We finished our day in Nimes. Nimes has several Roman buildings, the arena, the temple, and not too far away, a Roman aqueduct. Well, we saw them all. We finished with the Roman temple, Maison Carrée in Nimes following stuffed tomatoes at Grill Brasil for dinner.

Before dinner we walked from our hotel to the Arena of NImes. We were able to tour the arena and learn about the gladiators who fought there before giving way to bullfights and concerts today. The arena was interesting to see after visiting a roman aqueduct, Pont du Gard, earlier in the day. Pont du Gard was part of the system delivering fresh water to Nimes from over 40 miles away! beneath the aqueduct people swam and played in the river.

Our first stop of the day was in the city of Arles. This was the location of much of Van Gogh's painting near the end of his life. We visited several points of interest including Cafe Nuit, the hospital where he stayed, and the arena of Arles, similar to, but smaller than the arena in Nimes.

Arena of Nimes
Amorino Nimes

Pont du Gard

Arles Ampitheater

L'espace Van Gogh

L'espace Van Gogh

Maison Carrée

Lunch at Pont du Gard

Lunch at Pont du Gard

Lunch at Pont du Gard

Reflecting on Van Gogh, Obélisque d'Arles

What the riding the bus looks like in France!

Taking it all in, Obélisque d'Arles

Maison Carrée

Enjoying some ice cream/gelato/sorbet/Macaron, Amorino Nimes.

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